IAI Artificial Intelligence des Iles offers tools dedicated to tribal and indigenous peoples for the development of customary land through the cultural cadastre!

The information system

of indigenous peoples

We offer tools to help you recognise, conserve, make available and promote your customary land heritage;

Development of a recognised cadastral process

On customary land, we enable the development of economic activities based on a cultural register.

Delimitation of cultural property
  • Boundary creation, naming, description, history, GPS points, information about the rightful owner.

Multidimensional proxy validation
  • Contacts with economic, cultural, institutional and legal players.
Overlap zone management
  • Validation of mediation agreements.

Data security
  • Setting up a register for secure exchanges with various cultural, customary, private, institutional and economic players around the world

They have put their trust in us

Public Investment Bank

Investment and Future Programme for the Autchotonian people successfully completed

Innovation Overseas

National recognition with support from the IOM Innovation Outre-Mer network

New Caledonia Government

A test phase carried out in New Caledonia in various communes

copyright 2021 IAI Islands Artificial Intelligence
